- There is no significant difference between an elevator and a lift. The term "lift" is commonly used in British English, while "elevator" is more commonly used in American English.3. What is the cabin in an elevator?- The cabin is the enclosed space in which passengers or goods are transported in an ele本篇文章给大家谈谈电梯英文术语,以及电梯英文术语对应的相关信息,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了关注我们哦。
- 本文目录导读:
- 1、电梯英文术语
- 2、电梯英文术语ins相关词
- 3、提问与解答
1. Elevator: An electrically powered platform used for moving people or goods vertically between different floors or levels in a building.
2. Lift: Another term commonly used to refer to an elevator, especially in British English.
3. Cabin: The enclosed space in which passengers or goods are transported in an elevator.
4. Shaft: The vertical passageway or well in which the elevator car moves up and down.
5. Control panel: The interface inside the elevator cabin that allows passengers to select their desired floor or level.
6. Call button: The button located outside the elevator cabin that passengers press to call the elevator to their current floor.
7. Emergency stop button: A button located inside the elevator cabin that can be pressed to immediately stop the elevator in case of an emergency.
8. Overload sensor: A device that detects if the weight inside the elevator cabin exceeds the maximum safe capacity and prevents the elevator from moving.
9. Safety brake: A mechanism that activates in the event of a power failure or malfunction to prevent the elevator from falling.
10. Floor indicator: A display inside the elevator cabin that shows the current floor or level.
11. Door open button: A button located inside the elevator cabin that opens the doors to allow passengers to enter or exit.
12. Door close button: A button located inside the elevator cabin that closes the doors after passengers have entered or exited.
13. Intercom: A communication system inside the elevator cabin that allows passengers to communicate with building management or emergency services.
14. Pit: The space below the lowest floor level in which the elevator car rests when it is not in use.
15. Top landing: The highest floor level where the elevator car stops.
16. Bottom landing: The lowest floor level where the elevator car stops.
1. Inspection: The act of examining the elevator system to ensure it is in good working condition and complies with safety regulations.
2. Inspector: A person who conducts inspections on elevators to ensure they meet safety standards.
3. Inspect: To carefully examine and assess the condition of an elevator or its components.
4. Inspection certificate: A document issued after a successful inspection, indicating that the elevator has been deemed safe and compliant.
5. Inspection report: A detailed report outlining the findings of an elevator inspection, including any issues that need to be addressed.
1. What is an elevator?
- An elevator is an electrically powered platform used for moving people or goods vertically between different floors or levels in a building.
2. What is the difference between an elevator and a lift?
- There is no significant difference between an elevator and a lift. The term "lift" is commonly used in British English, while "elevator" is more commonly used in American English.
3. What is the cabin in an elevator?
- The cabin is the enclosed space in which passengers or goods are transported in an elevator.
4. What is a shaft?
- A shaft is the vertical passageway or well in which the elevator car moves up and down.
5. What is a control panel?
- The control panel is the interface inside the elevator cabin that allows passengers to select their desired floor or level.
6. What is a call button?
- The call button is the button located outside the elevator cabin that passengers press to call the elevator to their current floor.
7. What is an emergency stop button?
- The emergency stop button is a button located inside the elevator cabin that can be pressed to immediately stop the elevator in case of an emergency.
8. What is an overload sensor?
- An overload sensor is a device that detects if the weight inside the elevator cabin exceeds the maximum safe capacity and prevents the elevator from moving.
9. What is a safety brake?
- A safety brake is a mechanism that activates in the event of a power failure or malfunction to prevent the elevator from falling.
10. What is a floor indicator?
- A floor indicator is a display inside the elevator cabin that shows the current floor or level.
11. What is a pit?
- The pit is the space below the lowest floor level in which the elevator car rests when it is not in use.
12. What is a top landing?
- The top landing is the highest floor level where the elevator car stops.
13. What is a bottom landing?
- The bottom landing is the lowest floor level where the elevator car stops.
14. What is an inspection?
- An inspection is the act of examining the elevator system to ensure it is in good working condition and complies with safety regulations.
15. What is an inspector?
- An inspector is a person who conducts inspections on elevators to ensure they meet safety standards.
本文介绍了电梯的英文术语及与电梯检查相关的术语。电梯的英文术语包括elevator、lift、cabin、shaft、control panel、call button、emergency stop button、overload sensor、safety brake、floor indicator、door open button、door close button、intercom、pit、top landing和bottom landing。电梯检查相关的术语包括inspection、inspector、inspect、inspection certificate和inspection report。
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